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It may sound like a story that has lost its value when people blame the new developments that are seen in and around the weather that we  are experiencing on global warming and climate change.
Close observers of the patterns that the Geography of the World that we live in has assumed will now have arrived at a definite conclusion that a clear shift has taken place from the old order and format to an undoubtedly different story.
For instance,at this time of the year, rains will have started "announcing its departure gradually"and the period commonly known as "August Break"will have set in when a noticeable break in rainfall will occur.
The serious downpours that charactererise August were absent this year to the extent that farmers were unsure of wheather to take the risks of planting beans or not so as not to have the seeds die as a result of lack of rain.
The Northern Parts of Nigeria that experience perennial drought and inadequate rainfall suddenly became the headquarters of rains and floods.
It is easy to conclude that,indeed this issue of climate change is not a matter of mere talks but truly factual.