The issue of Cattle rearing has generated so much conflict in the nation to the extent that ,even as at today,no consensus has been reached on the issue of ranching or having colonies developed where the Herders will keep their cows known as RUGAS or continue to graze to all the places where pasture can be found for their cows.
In the course of grazing their Cows to all parts of the nation,people's farms have been encroached into and when such trespass are challenged,it has led to a lot of bloodshed and mostly deaths.
Cattle rearers have been known to carry with them such sophisticated firearms like AK47 an action that has been defended by a serving State Governor in Nigeria as an act of self defence.
The new development of cattle rustling and banditry is another reason why this ministry's creation is a welcome development.
For now,all we can say is,let's see how it goes