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Yes for what we expect you to bring to the table ,we celebrate
For being the First Woman for Police Affairs in the history
of the Nigerian Nation we are expectant of solid deliverables
from you.
For being a mother that would appreciate what the needs
of the average Policeman in the country are,we thank God for you.
For belonging to a gender that would try to keep the society
together rather than care less if the country collapses,we greet
For the fact that even when you did not expect to be appointed
Minister you were already undertaking a Doctoral Course in Strategic and Security Studies at the Nigerian Defence 
Academy,we give you a thumbs up.
We recognise the fact that you bear the name IMAAN which
stands you  out as a believer in Faith especially of the religion of 
Welcome on board Madam,we shall continue to wish you
well in this new assignment that Fate has thrust upon you